Saturday, July 18, 2015

Morton salt tour of HoChiMin's tomb

When it rains, it pours.

About a 50 minute wait to get into HoChiMin tomb - body preserved I for viewing.  Met a number of Vietnamese who spoke English and wanted to converse.

The first asked if I knew HoChiMin and I said "I know who he is" but she said, "oh, I know him, he is my father and my uncle. He is founder of Vietnam." Sounds like the Evangelicals back home saying " do you KNOW Jesus?" I think it is very much the thing they believe in most.

The second was a kid with a soccer shirt on so I commented "futball" and then he and I had a long conversation (encourage by mama who wanted to find out if the tutoring money was well spend) about what as going on.

Which was rain. We were under a long plastic cover but as soon as it started pouring people began to poke the plastic which of course cause it to drip. Or plop. Or stream. Or pour. Some folks put up umbrellas and some of use just huddled. Still 30 minutes to wait.

Because as we got to the head of the line it all stopped and tons of photographers ran out. Having been told NOT to bring cell phone or camera, I was amazed.  But suddenly a long line of official (but wet) looking folks marched by. The soldiers brought out a wreath and everyone came to attention. Special guards came out and the huddled masses looked on as they went in first!! Found out later it was a Chinese ambassador. He was under an umbrella but many black suited handlers were very wet.

So we finally got in and walked by the glass encased body (a la Stalin) and that was it. Disney at least shows films while one waits for the 2 minutes ride...


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